One of the best tools for audio conversion under Linux is the tool ffmpeg. The following section assumes some familiarity with the Linux operations system and bash scripting. Recommended for advanced users only! See below example. ffmpeg ffmpeg is a command-line tool, designed for processing of video and audio files. It may be more suitable for users familiar with audio editing & DAWs in general.
Torley Linden did a video tutorial on creating and uploading sounds via Audacity, viewable at Ardour Ardour is a free hard disk recorder and digital audio workstation application. GarageBand GarageBand is a line of digital audio workstations for macOS, iPadOS, and iOS devices.Īudacity Audacity is a free and open-source digital audio editor and recording application software. r8brain r8brain is a basic, free audio transcoder.Īudacity Audacity is a free and open-source digital audio editor and recording application software.

There is currently no support for compression formats such as MP3."Īudacity Audacity is a free and open-source digital audsio editor and recording application software. Sounds in other formats can be converted in most sound programs. (30.000 seconds is fine, but 30.001 will fail to upload to the degree of one sample makes a difference.) Sounds cannot be saved as 8-bit, 22.05 kHz, or any other frequency. WAV file in standard PCM format, 16-bit/44.1kHz/mono or stereo (which will be converted to mono anyway), less than or exactly 30 seconds in length. As the Knowledge Base says, "Valid sounds are any. Uploading a sound clip has a variable cost (see below), and the clip must be compatible with SL. There are various LSL functions that can be used to play sound clips, as well as a built-in system for gestures. The maximum time any clip can be is 30 seconds, requiring longer sounds to be stitched together. Second Life supports in-world sound clips, which can be played to all residents within range. PCM WAV format, 16-bit, 44.1kHz, mono / stereo (Downmixed to mono by the viewer at upload time).